
Story Telling on Silk | Karine Assaf

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Born in Beirut, raised in Montreal and currently based in London, Karine Assaf isn’t your typical artist.

With a background in engineering and consultancy, Karine went through a few years of executing jobs she wasn’t exactly destined for before she eventually let her passion took over and launched her silk scarves label in 2016.


page8_737fb566-c856-4357-9dbb-f93b5485fa7b_2048x2048However, at JDEED, we do believe that no life experience is ever wasted. Assaf is the living proof of this belief. She got the idea of creating a paint out of wasted fruits and veggies mixed with organic earth pigments after a work project she’s had on the optimization of organic waste in Cambridge. And is now applying it partly on her designs.

But Karine Assaf is not just a scarf designer, she’s also a very imaginative story teller.

Each piece of her collection is an ode to one of her numerous travels, depicting her feelings and emotions on a 100% Silk scribe.

The scarf she designed after returning from Japan is not only her favorite but also her best-seller. Following the traditional wedding ceremony of a Lebanese-Japanese couple she attended, Karine imagined the scarf, bearing in mind the “Magnificent bride (who) was wrapped up in a shiny silk embroidered traditional red Kimono.”

Available as 90×90, twillis, and a few items in 70×70, Karine Assaf’s pieces are wearable in every possible way, from your regular scarf to a headband, belt, top or chocker.

Colorful or more discreet, timeless, produced in Italy: what’s not to love?



You can get your hands on one of Karine’s piece right here.

























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