Crush Of The Week

Emergency Room opens first boutique in Beirut

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You remember EMERGENCY ROOM? We went to Tripoli to meet its founder, Eric Mathieu Ritter in the ateliers a few months ago. Launched in 2018, EMERGENCY ROOM uses a sustainable and ethical alternative to clothing creation. The brand is about re-inventing vintage materials and dead stock fabrics that are sourced locally, in order to create one-of-a-kind pieces, resulting in a conscious ready-to-wear label.





“All items are produced in different workshops and cooperatives throughout Lebanon, inviting differently skilled artisans to participate in the process, all the while lobbying for grass roots change in the industry, in its own way.”


A year after launching the brand, Eric is about to open its first boutique in the heart of Mar Mikhail in Beirut on June 19th. The brand’s latest campaigns featuring the cool kids of the Lebanese capital (and the founder’s Teta*) is going viral. Shot by photographer Aly Saab and styled by Gabriela Kassab (also in the campaign in the beautiful pink dress), the images spread a beautiful message of inclusivity, and teaches us how to embrace our differences.



You can check the “INJDEED” section of our website to watch our documentary about EMERGENCY ROOM.



























Photography/Aly Saab

Styling/Gabriela Kassab

MUA/Lilia Laurel