
Painting & Printmaking | Zeina Badran

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I came across Zeina Badran’s work at the last Beirut Art Fair. I felt a deep sense of modernity in her collages, painting and prints. Something absolutely catching the Zeigeist, free of barriers and interestingly different. Print is an art and technique which reflects one’s true inner idea and feels. As Zeina claims “With printmaking, I am both an artist as well as an engineer of sorts, which often demands a synergy of exactitude but also complete abandon. “









Born in Tripoli, in Northern Lebanon, Zeina is an instructor at the Lebanese American University where she has also studied art. She holds certificate in various artistic fields and notably in lithography, etching, and silkscreen printing.

Her work has been showcased in numerous places around the World from Jeddah to Venice and is a regular participant of Beirut Art Fair.








Discover Zeina Badran’s work here

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