Crush Of The Week

Live Love Laugh for a Cause

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We first spotted the Live Love Laugh for a Cause jewels on Instagram (we won’t lie- this is a very big tool of research for us) and heard our fingers and wrists screaming desperately for us to order a few pieces. As modern as our way of researching, Live Love Laugh for a Cause enable you to shop via Whats’App and easily receive your order by mail. It’s as simple as this. And as you’ll discover reading through our interview, the brand is a proud supporter of Gestures from the Heart,  a NGO which betters the life of abandoned elderly in Lebanon. Trendy and committed, LLLFAC gathers all the ingredients for us to fall in love.
Tell us a bit about your brand: When did you start it, what are the ideas and concepts behind it?
Live Love Laugh for a Cause is a non-political, non-religious, voluntary initiative whose mission is to lend a hand to underprivileged and needy humanitarian NGOs, via the partial donation of funds generated through selling fashionable and affordable statement accessories. By means of solid partnerships, Live Love Laugh for a Cause aims to serve as primary support for a global community of informed, empowered and committed NGOs that are fully capable of achieving their goals and making a better tomorrow. Live Love Laugh for a Cause’s first campaign was launched in December 2014 in support of ‘Gestures from the Heart’ an NGO that is committed to improve the quality of life among abandoned elderly in Lebanon. Hence, the Live Love Laugh bracelets came to life, in hope that with every purchase, a hopeless elder will be given a new chance to Live Love & Laugh! In no time, these trendy bracelets turned out to be a huge success whereby people started posting their Live Love Laugh bracelets on social media platforms, and without even knowing, it went viral and became the new talk of the town! The demand for these exquisite accessories have exponentially increased among Lebanese ladies, especially when many celebrities, TV anchors, singers, and popular fashion bloggers have wore their bracelets and posted their Live Love Laugh moments. In the course of this successful journey, the team has decided to proceed with Live Love Laugh by recruiting more people and further developing the concept, in the aim of always inspiring corporate social responsibility – with style.
lllfac4What are your future projects for the brand?
Jewelry players can’t simply do business the typical way and expect to thrive; they must be alert and responsive to important trends and developments, or else they will risk being left behind and defeated by more nimble competitors. Today, Live Love Laugh for a Cause has become a trend setter in the world of women accessories, and is always one step ahead of the market. Its ingenious designers develop new designs every 2 to 3 months, as they have learned that the Live Love Laugh products –once launched– are quickly being imitated. This fact stands as a major indicator of success, and constantly urges the team to move onwards and lead by their distinctive creativity and innovation.
Give us an example of a day in the life of the owner of Live Love Laugh for a cause?
First thing in the morning, the founder of Live Love Laugh reviews the sales report of the previous day, along with the daily performance action plan of all employees. In the afternoon, he spends some time with the designers, whereby they sit together and go over new sketches and drawings. His evenings are usually dedicated for researching latest market trends. In a nut shell, he spends his 24/7 thinking of Live Love Laugh for a Cause.
What inspired you when you first started? And what inspires you now?
 It is the beautiful soul of the founder’s wife that inspired him to begin this journey and pursue it. And together, their good deed fostered a blessed e-commerce.
Photos by Serge Deuces for JDEED Magazine
Visit Live Love Laugh here

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