Pair: Redefining the Cigar Lounge Experience in Dubai
In the heart of Dubai, just steps away from the iconic Museum of the Future, Pair stands as a testament to modern luxury and the evolving culture of cigar appreciation.
As both a boutique and lounge, Pair offers a unique blend of sophistication, exclusivity, and innovation, challenging traditional norms and creating an elevated experience for its clientele. With a curated collection of the finest cigars from Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua, alongside a dedication to exceptional service, Pair is more than a lounge—it’s a lifestyle.
At Pair, cigars are not just smoked—they’re celebrated. Boasting the largest collection of rare cigars in Dubai, including exclusive offerings and limited editions, the brand ensures a premium experience for every guest. Accompanying the cigars is an equally refined selection of cocktails, crafted by a renowned bartender to complement the lounge’s hedonistic philosophy.
The design of Pair’s lounges reflects a bold departure from the traditional cigar club aesthetic. Modern, stylish, and meticulously curated, the space serves as both a retreat and a social hub for those who embrace life’s finer pleasures. Each element—from the elegant layout to the personalized service—embodies Pair’s vision of redefining the cigar industry.
Pair’s mission extends beyond luxury. By collaborating with sectors such as art, haute cuisine, and fashion, and forging partnerships with esteemed brands, including potential collaborations with the LVMH group, Pair continues to innovate. Their ambitious plans include opening five new lounges across Europe and the Middle East, entering the top three cigar lounges globally, and expanding into the production of premium cigar accessories.
For the discerning connoisseur, Pair offers more than cigars—it offers a culture, a way of living, and a vision for the future of cigar lounges. Whether you’re seeking a place to unwind, network, or explore, Pair sets the standard for sophistication in Dubai.
Pair isn’t just a destination; it’s a journey into the refined world of cigars and elevated living. With its unparalleled collection, bespoke service, and innovative outlook, Pair redefines what it means to be a cigar lounge in the modern era. For those who value craftsmanship, culture, and connection, Pair is your next must-visit luxury experience.
Discover more on Pair's Instagram, here
DIFC, Jumeirah Emirates Towers, Hotel Lobby
+971 58 694 4282
Friday to Saturday from 1 PM to 1 AM
Sunday to Thursday from 11 AM to 11 PM